Tax Break for Commercial Real Estate Investors

COVID-19 impacted the economy dramatically and commercial real estate was no exception in terms of decreased values. Often, the real property could no longer service the debt used to finance it. This debt restructuring and resulting debt forgiveness can result in taxable income. Taxable Income and Debt Cancellation If you have a $80,000 loan and […]

Tips to Save on A/C This Summer

You love summer, don’t you? School’s out and BBQs are on. But what you probably don’t love are those higher air conditioning bills. Here are some tried-and-true ways to help lower the cost of keeping cool. Change Air Filters Make sure you switch out your filters before those sizzling summer temps arrive, then once a […]

Ways Technology Can Improve Business Cash Flow

Cash flow awareness is vital in running the day-to-day activities of a business. Keeping track of the inflows and outflows helps a company make better plans and decisions, such as the right time to expand. Cash flow knowledge reveals where a business is spending money and can protect business relations, among other benefits. However, tracking […]

Rushing Baby Formula supplies, Helping Ukraine and Punishing Russia

To amend the Child Nutrition Act of 1966 to establish waiver authority to address certain emergencies, disasters and supply chain disruptions, and for other purposes. (HR 7791) – In response to the recent nationwide shortage of infant formula, Congress passed a bill authorizing $28 million to fund emergency supplies and to address the potential for […]